The Future
The Future
As 3 Stars Jewish Cinema continues to educate and entertain through film, we hope to grow our membership base. This will be accomplished through increased marketing and outreach efforts.
To assist with theater rental and film costs, 3 Stars is working to secure corporate sponsors, with the hope of having a sponsor for each film in the series.
One of our main goals is to expand community partnerships. In the past, we have teamed up with several different organizations to present the very best films to the widest possible audience. These have included the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas to premiere the academy-award winning film The Pianist; partnering with the Asian Film Festival to screen Minyan in Kaifeng; with Black Cinematique to screen Strange Fruit and the Dallas Video Association to screen The Documentary Shorts of Jay Rosenblatt.
We will continue our partnership and form relationships with the other film festival organizations in the Dallas area. Plans are underway to jointly screen a film with the Dallas International Film Festival and we hope to develop similar relationships with other local festivals.
As 3 Stars begins to leave its mark on the North Texas cultural landscape, we hope to continue offering diverse screenings that appeal to a wide audience while providing an educational, entertaining and cultural experience.